Are you self conscious about your smile? Years of drinking coffee, red wine or smoking can take their toll, leaving you with stained or discoloured teeth. Or maybe you’ve got chipped, crooked or gappy teeth that have needed fixing for a while?
Have you been thinking of having your teeth straightened? But does the idea of adult braces put you off? You may have a job involving clients, or you might sometimes want to go out without wearing your braces – to a party, or on a date.
Raging hormones, self-esteem issues and peer pressure - it can be tough being young. Everything is changing emotionally and physically, and adolescence can often be the time when people are most insecure about their looks.
I am very grateful to Dr Friedmann. He did a very tricky wisdom tooth extraction, took the time to think about how to do it the best way and followed up with two phone calls afterwards to make sure that I was doing well.