Private Dermatology and Specialist Care

Tear Trough Fillers

What are tear trough fillers?

Tear trough fillers are anti-ageing injections to fill sunken hollows under the eyes. The consultant cosmetic dermatologist performs precise injections of hyaluronic acid gel to restore lost volume under your eyes and reduce dark circles. Tear trough fillers can make you look rested, refreshed and rejuvenated without invasive blepharoplasty or eye lift surgery.


What can tear trough fillers treat?

As we grow older we can develop sunken hollows and dark circles under our eyes. Reduced collagen and elastin makes the skin thinner and less elastic; the natural fat pads can droop casting shadows and making the under eye area look tired and drawn.

Tear trough filler injections fill the hollows, restore under-eye volume and reduce dark circles, so that you look fresher and more youthful. You may want to have tear trough fillers for a special occasion, or choose regular injections to rejuvenate your appearance and rebuild your self-confidence.


Why choose The Medical Chambers Kensington for tear trough fillers?

The Medical Chambers Kensington provides professional, safe and effective care in a state-of-the-art Kensington Clinic.

  • Consultant-delivered service: All patients attending the clinic for tear trough fillers see a highly-qualified consultant cosmetic dermatologist with an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and skin health. Injecting fillers in the delicate under-eye area requires specialist skills. Our consultants have the experience and expertise to achieve exceptional results safely.
  • Treatment you can trust: Our consultants use the highest quality hyaluronic acid fillers for excellent and reliable tear trough treatment.
  • Legacy: Over ten years The Medical Chambers Kensington has built a reputation for excellence and the highest standards of service and professionalism.
  • Comprehensive care: With a team of world-leading consultants from different specialties under one roof, if you need to see another specialist we can arrange for rapid referral to a trusted expert.
  • Bespoke treatment programmes: The Medical Chambers Kensington believes in an individual approach to skincare. Your consultant will carefully assess your face and your goals before recommending filler injections to enhance your natural beauty. This may be through tear trough fillers, or they may recommend cheek filler injections to lift the middle of your face and soften the tear trough.


What happens in tear trough filler treatment?

Your consultant will apply topical anaesthetic and ice packs before treatment to reduce any pain or discomfort.

Your consultant injects the hyaluronic acid through a very fine needle. They carefully inject into the dermis under the eyes to boost the volume in the tear trough. The hyaluronic acid fills under-eye hollows and also thickens the skin reducing the appearance of dark circles. Following the procedure, your consultant will gently massage the injection area to spread the filler evenly and achieve the best results.


Your recovery following tear trough fillers

You will have minimal downtime following tear trough filler injections. You can get straight back to work and normal activities. You may notice redness, bruising and swelling for a few days after treatment.

Applying cold packs and sleeping with your head raised on two pillows can prevent swelling and bruising. Try not to rub the eyes as you risk disturbing the injected gel.

Tear trough fillers are temporary. They are gradually broken down by your body over time. The length of time the filler lasts depends on the formulation and the individual - but tear trough fillers are typically broken down slowly and can last up to two years.


Preparation for tear trough fillers

Careful preparation before tear trough filler injections can reduce bruising and improve your results. We recommend that you:

  • Avoid alcohol for one day before treatment.
  • Avoid tear trough filler injections if you have your period, they may be more painful and you may be more at risk of feeling faint or unwell.
  • Talk to your consultant or your GP about medication. Aspirin, ibuprofen and some vitamins, supplements and herbal medicines can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising. If possible, you should stop them one week before treatment.


What are the complications of tear trough fillers

Filler injections are generally safe and there are few side-effects. You may notice:

  • Bruising or swelling, this is usually minor and settles over a few days.
  • Very rarely patients are allergic to the hyaluronic acid. The Medical Chambers Kensington has emergency equipment and medication to treat any adverse reactions quickly and effectively.
  • If the filler appears irregular or you are unhappy with the aesthetic result, your consultant can inject an enzyme that dissolves the tear trough filler and reverses the procedure.