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Adjusting to Hearing Aids: 3 Need-To-Knows

If you have recently started wearing hearing aids you might already be experiencing the benefits of being able to hear more clearly. As you settle in with your devices at home, and get used to how they fit, function and feel, it’s totally normal to experience a few bumps along the road.

With this in mind we’ve listed three important things to focus on, to help you to get the best out of your hearing aids now and in the future.


Give Yourself  Time to Adjust

How you adjust to your hearing aids will be unique to you, so try not to compare yourself to others who have shared their experience. Set goals for yourself that feel realistic, especially during this adjustment period. And remember, it’s all about improving your quality of life and hearing more clearly, especially in situations where you found yourself struggling previously. Hearing aids won’t ever be a ‘cure’ for hearing loss, but they can help you to manage your condition considerably. Realise that it can take time, consistency, and perseverance to become accustomed to your life with hearing loss and hearing aids.


Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

Regular check-ins with your audiologist are essential for ensuring the effectiveness of your hearing aids, especially during the first few weeks of adapting to them. We recommend scheduling an appointment within a few weeks of getting your devices, so that you’ve had time to use them in a variety of situations. Keeping a list of what’s working well (and what’s not) will provide valuable insights to your audiologist during these appointments. This proactive approach means you can work with your audiologist so they can address any concerns and make any necessary adjustments.


Read the Manual and Maintain Your Devices

It might feel like an obvious point, but ensuring you’re familiar with your hearing aid manual is essential for properly maintaining your hearing aids. This will also guide you in fully understanding functions such as Bluetooth connectivity for telephone calls, and using your devices in different social settings.  Focus on the following and you can improve performance and lifespan.


  • Cleaning: Create a cleaning routine to remove earwax and debris that can affect functionality. Use a soft, dry cloth to clear build-up in small crevices.
  • Battery Management: Understand how often batteries will need to be replaced, in order to avoid unexpected disruptions in your ability to hear.
  • Storage: Keep your hearing aids in a protective case when not in use to shield them from dust, moisture, and accidental damage.
  • Environmental Considerations: Be aware of exposure to extreme temperatures, humidity, or moisture. Avoid wearing hearing aids in environments with excessive moisture.
  • Explore Hearing Aid Accessories: Certain accessories can enhance performance and comfort, such as moisture-control devices and protective sleeves.


Well-maintained hearing aids are more likely to provide a consistent and positive experience for you, so it’s a good idea to try and weave basic maintenance steps into your normal routine.


Visiting Our London Audiology Clinic

To make an appointment with an audiologist for advice on hearing aids please call (020) 7244 4200 or make an appointment online.